Fallout 4 military mods
Fallout 4 military mods

  • You can now craft clothes and other useful things.
  • Lowered dismemberment rate (5% chance) was way to high.
  • Dead body collision (no more "ghost" body's).
  • Pip boy light replaced with a "head lamp light".
  • Dynamic weapons shadows (FPS hungry if you notice a performance hit disable this mod).
  • Sadly i cannot do anything related to gamma or brightness for the daytime yet and it can be a tad bright sometimes so use your monitor/tv to adjust until you're happy.
  • Tweaked ini's again for more performance.
  • You get more xp from everything as difficulty increases (4 mods recommended survival difficulty).
  • Removed 1 shot in the head = kill (yes was realistic but fights ended to soon).
  • Changed Reshade (neutral colors more realistic).
  • Removed and swapped female body's with better ones (NSFW).
  • fallout 4 military mods

  • Removed and swapped more paintings with better ones (NSFW).
  • Added more songs to 3 main radios - 150+ tracks.
  • Removed custom combat music (was loud and unfitting).

  • Fallout 4 military mods