How to know my height without measuring
How to know my height without measuring

how to know my height without measuring

When you’re taking long measurements and there’s no stable point to hook the tape measure to, and you need to have someone else to hold it for you so the tape stays put and you can actually take a measurement. Tape measures can actually turn out to be a little less than easy.

how to know my height without measuring

Until it isn’t, so much… Tape Measures Still Have Their Limitations There’s nothing to it, right? You just stretch it, place the start of the tape on one end and look at the measurement on the other. I’m pretty sure just about everyone has had an opportunity to put a tape measure to good use.

how to know my height without measuring

One tool that demonstrates this beautifully is the ever-present and reliable tape measure. Oh boy, I love innovation… Especially when it transforms practical tools we already use and suprises us with dramatic improvements.

How to know my height without measuring