Stopping by to say hi
Stopping by to say hi

stopping by to say hi

So why did I use “Hi” at the start of emails? I am of an age that applied for my first jobs by letter and what would a potential employer think of you opening with a breezy “Hi”, nevermind following up with their first name! Yet on email, both conventions are commonplace regardless of your relationship with the recipient. First impressions count and if the first thing I am saying to someone is said without any thought or consideration then what does that mean for the rest of the content? I don’t know when I started using “Hi” at the start of emails, I can’t be sure I ever did anything else and that was the problem. And then you’ll wonder why you can’t count on him to get back to you on Slack.Ok so full disclosure it didn't change my life but in this world of clickbait headlines would you have really clicked on an article titled “I stopped using “Hi” in emails and it made my life slightly more complicated”?.Probably not right but since you are here why not read on? Maybe he’ll just get tired of people talking on Slack as if they’re writing a letter on a typewriter, and disable notifications altogether. If he got notified, it’s his problem.” Yeah. Argh!Īt this point you might be thinking: “Screw the bloody bastard. And you just made someone get their phone from their pocket to find you saying “Hi”, or “ping”. If responding to direct interactions is critical for them, they might even have Direct Messages trigger push notifications on their mobile device. So your colleague might Alt+Tab (or Cmd+Tab, or four-fingers-and-an-elbow-swipe, or whatever they need to do to switch context) to Slack, to see if it’s something they can quickly reply, and…it isn’t. Notifications are bad (I’ll be the first to sign under that), but Slack is kind of “synchronous asynchronous” - it’s asynchronous, but one’s expected to keep a reasonable response time (somewhere between that of an in-person interruption and that of an email). Then Dire ct Messages will be among the few things that trigger a notification on their computer.

stopping by to say hi stopping by to say hi

(not) being overloaded with notifications.being reliably responsive within a reasonable time frame and.If the person you’re contacting is someone who aims at a balance between João Craveiro is typing… and I got distracted just to stare at him doing it.

Stopping by to say hi